Monday, December 7, 2009

Some funnies :)

We have a new addition to our family! No, not another baby. An imaginary pet dinosaur. Yes, that's right! Jackson's own creation, who at times lives in his bathroom and sometimes on his bed. He only comes out at night. He's a friendly dinosaur, but he's scared of him too. So every night we send him out the window, mommy likes the window and the dinosaur goes to Eli's house. I decided to inform Lindsay of the dinosaur coming to her house every night. I'm curious if Jackson will wonder if he's there the next time we go over to their house.

He's also decided that showering is much better than taking baths. So this morning he was in my shower and I stepped into my bedroom to put away a few things. He then started belting out Ring Around the Rosie. It was just funny to hear him singing in the shower. I guess it just surprised me since I used to sing in the shower, but don't anymore. It put a big smile on my face.

Tonight, we went to a fundraiser with our mom's group and had pizza with Santa. He liked Santa this year, but not enough to sit on his lap or give him a high five. He only leaned in from a few feet away to tell him he wanted more trains for Christmas. Brayden started crying before I even got close, so no pics with Santa this year. When we got home, Brayden went to bed but Jason was watching football. Jackson came to sit with Jason and when the game was on and the play started, he said, "Go dude!" It was so funny. I have never heard him say that before, but I've heard his daddy say it. It's just a reminder of how much he repeats what he hears.

Jackson and Jason watching the game:
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  1. Cute!! Ryder is on a total shower kick himself. We had a throw-down (not really) the other night because I decided he was taking a bath and he only wanted to take a shower. Imagine this: Ryder: Shower! Me: Bath! Ryder: Shower! Me: Bath! Ryder: Shower!
    Me: YOU ARE TAKING A BATH, END OF DISCUSSION!!!!!!!! Ryder: No words...just Tears... LOL!

  2. I can so relate to the whole Santa scenario. My daughter was like 9 and almost as big as Santa before I had a photo of her on Santa's lap at all. It's a great story for her scrapbook :-) Jackson is getting so big! -E
